A Matrikulasi Student share his experience (cost, difficulty, environment, application)
by admin Le Tian's friend

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It is written by my friend, a top student in Matrikulasi, currently studying mechanical engineering in UTM.
Matrik students get monthly allowance of RM250 and can start their degree in the government university 1 year earlier, compared to STPM students.
Everything written here is based on my personal experience.
For those who have not heard of Matrikulasi (Matrik), it can be considered as the foundation for government university.
It is one of the further study route after SPM. After completing Matrik, you can directly proceed studying degree in the university.
Currently, Matrikulasi application is open to bumiputera and non-bumiputera. Matrik has a lot of advantages, including:
i) Compare to STPM students, Matrik students can start their degree in the government university faster
ii) In terms of cost, Matrik is also more affordable. Ministry of education will provide a monthly allowance of RM250, and cover all the cost of tuition fee and accommodation.
The only disadvantage of Matrik is: it is only recognised by local government university, and a limited number of private university and oversea university.
However, local government university tuition fee is covered mostly by the government, so your expenses will be quite low.
Moreover, most government university are quite capable of providing high quality education.
Hence, for those who aim for studying in government university, you should not miss out in applying for Matrik. It is the best way to get into government university.
There are 3 main stream in Matrik, namely Science, Accounting and Technical (Aliran Sains, Aliran Perakaunan, dan Aliran Teknikal).
The duration of the course is 2 semesters (1 year). Normally, Matrik starts in May the year you receive SPM result, and ends on May the next year.
Compare to STPM students, Matrik student can start studying degree in government university 1 year earlier.
Application Method
As there are already lots of online resources on how to apply Matrik, I will not go into details here.
The most important thing is the timing.
People who miss the deadlines will not be able to apply again. (The author is aware of Matriks application early in secondary school from the counselling teacher)
If your application for Matrik is rejected, you always have a chance to appeal for it (Rayuan). It is all clearly stated on the websites.
Difficulty level of Matrik
So, is Matrik easy to score?
Yes, it is relatively easier compared to STPM.
How easy it is?
I will not get into details of it, as you can easily find tons of discussions online comparing difficulty level of STPM and Matrik.
If Matrik is so easy, is the course useful for us to study?
Well, it depends. My school is technical stream (Aliran Teknikal). There are less school with technical stream, and they usually have less students.
I took mechanical engineering for my degree. In my opinion, Matrik course has sufficiently covered the entire fundamentals of mechanical engineering.
It is definitely sufficient to prepare the student well for the university degree level education.
Some of the syllabus even include topics like Statics, Material Sciences, Safety (OSHA). A lot of them will be taught to engineering students in Year 3 and Year 4 in university.
Besides, Matrik has practical coursework. For mechanical engineering, we are exposed to practical engineering processes like Sand Casting, Arc Welding, and Gas Welding.
A lot of people are highly theoretical, but may not have a chance to experience engineering workshop processes even at university level. This means they can only gain exposure to those processes when start working.
Similar to STPM, applying to government university has some prerequisites. This includes getting MUET Band 1 or above.
Also, extracurricular activities and Kemahiran Dinamika (basically teaching etiquette) is required.
- Entering Matrik may be your first time to experience studying in a boarding school. Your roommates are likely to be students of different races. It may take some time to get used to it.
- In Matrik, you do not have a chance to be lazy, there is no way to skip class in Matrik
- For non-Muslim, Pendidikan Moral is taught instead of Pendidikan Islam
- When the university is selecting students to give out offers, they will check your academic result as well as your extracurricular activities. The academic result has a 90% weightage and the extra- curricular activities has a 10% weightage. You can try to become the student representative (JPP), counsellor (PRD) in order to increase your extracurricular grades.
Matrikulasi is the ticket that let you easily get into the government university to study degree. If you manage to get it, please cherish the golden opportunity.
If you like to get more information about further study, feel free to join After SPM WhatsApp group or WeChat group
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是在读完SPM 过后的升学的另一个渠道。和Foundation(大学基础班)一样,完成了Matrikulasi就能直接就读学士课程(Degree)。目前,非土著也能申请。Matrik有许多的优点,包括:与STPM 相比较早的进入政府大学就读和相比其他私人大学更加经济实惠。(教育部不仅会提供每个月RM250的津贴,还会承担全部学费以及住宿费)
共有理科、会计与工艺三种源流的课程。 (Aliran Sains, Aliran Perakaunan, dan Aliran Teknikal) 就读时间 2个学期(1年),通常5月开学到隔年5月结束课程。相比STPM更早一年进入政府大学。
见人见智,我的学校是工艺源流(这种源流的学校真的很少,也很小),选择的科系是机械工程 (Mechanical Engineering), 就我的个人感想,Matrik 的科系概括了机械工程的整个基础,绝对足够应付政府大学的程度。有些课纲甚至概括了Statics, Material Sciences, Safety (OSHA), 有些课程甚至到大三大四都还会再接触到。
另外,Matrik也有course work。例如Mechanical Engineering, 我们会接触,或实践Sand Casting, Arc Welding 和Gas Welding。要知道,若没在SPM读过相关科目, 那么可能只有在大学或者踏入工作才能接触到这些活动。有些人上了大学也可能仅仅在纸上谈兵,完全没机会接触到。
和STPM 一样,在申请报读政府大学的Degree文凭之前,需先报考马来西亚大学英文能力测验(MUET),并考获一级(Band 1)或以上的水平。
当然也有课外活动,还有Kemahiran Dinamika(基本都在教导礼仪)。
-大学在选择学生时, 也会查看您的成绩和课外活动。成绩占90%,课外活动10%。能够竞选学生代表(JPP), 辅导(PRD)来提高课外活动分数
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