If you consider taking A-levels, IBDP can be your option too
by Choo Jun Yi

If you are seriously considering A-levels, I have another recommendation for you, IBDP(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme).
You might be asking, "What course is this that I have not heard of ?"
IBDP is a pre-university course that is similar to A-levels in the fact that you have to choose 6 subjects to pursue over the duration of the course.
It is a course that embraces holistic learning experience for the students who truly enjoy the spirit of learning.
Contrary to A-levels that offers you subjects that you can learn 'in-depth' about, IBDP allows the flexibility of learning ‘in-breadth’.
The following are some general introductions to IBDP.
1/ You have to select 6 subjects. 2 of them are languages, 1 Mathematics, 1 Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), 1 Humanity (Economics, History, Geography..), and 1 Art subject.
2/ You get a chance to commit a minimum of 150 hours to CAS. C for Creativity, meaning you can join any society/clubs, A for Action, meaning you can join any sports and S for Service, meaning you can join any volunteering activities.
3/ You get to write a mini-research paper that is called ‘extended-essay’ to investigate the topic that you are really interested in.
I am emphasising on the second and the third point because my friend who took A-levels did not have the experience that I am sharing with you.
Regarding my second point, I am skipping the part on which society and sports I joined because there are more interesting stories in the volunteering activities that I was a part of.
One of the activities that I joined was called ‘Project Tikar’, run by a soup kitchen in KL.
'Project Tikar' turns out to be a project that involves going around Pasar Seni area giving food and necessities out to the homeless people at midnight.
It happens on every Saturday night where we get to see another side of KL and the people in this city who need help.
During the ‘operation’, we treat those street friends with full respect because it is not easy asking people for something for free.
During the end of each operation I would be reflecting upon how privileged I am to have what I have because not everyone is as blessed as I am.
I am grateful because I can do my part in giving back to society.
The research paper that I wrote was about Economics which I investigated "To what extent is the pursuit of tertiary education in Australia worthwhile for Malaysians?".
During the process of writing the paper I get to experience the steps of collecting data, analysing data and interpreting data all by myself because these skills are really helpful especially when I am about to start my final-year-project now.
What is more interesting is that I got to interview people who have been through this and asked their opinions on my research findings.
The experience of talking to these people is invaluable and I got to experience this during my pre university.
A-levels might be a perfect fit for someone who prefers solely studying, practising past papers and taking examinations, but IBDP is suited for those people who like to step out from their comfort zone and discover something new.
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